
SL100 Série

SKU: RE-00107

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Ne convient pas aux vélos équipés de freins à disque (voir plutôt la série SL200) et ne doit être utilisé que pour la circulation à droite.

Non compatible avec l'axe traversant (Ø12 mm).

La SL100 Series est nos feux classiques montés sur moyeu, qui conviennent aux vélos sans freins à disque ou à rouleau. SL100 Series est un ensemble intelligent de feux de vélo magnétiques avec un éclairage clair et brillant qui garantit que vous vous démarquez toujours dans la circulation. Il s'agit de la version la plus récente avec une conception, des performances et une optique améliorées.


Le montage des feux de vélo est rapide et facile. Le feu de vélo est monté sur le moyeu et est conçu pour tous les vélos équipés de freins en V ou de freins cantilever. L'intensité lumineuse correspond à celle d'une lampe à piles ordinaire avec des piles neuves. Le feu de vélo produit sa propre puissance d'induction respectueuse de l'environnement au moyen d'une bobine dans la dynamo et d'aimants sur les rayons du vélo - sans aucune utilisation de piles.

Les feux de vélo sont montés de façon permanente, de sorte que vous les avez toujours avec vous. La lumière est toujours allumée lorsque vous pédalez, ce qui vous rend encore plus sûr dans le trafic, de jour comme de nuit. Les feux de vélo alimentés par aimant signifient qu'il n'y a plus de piles à plat, plus de feux de vélo oubliés, plus de frottement lorsque vous faites du vélo - juste des feux de vélo toujours allumés.

ReePower™ Flash

La série SL100 est disponible avec ReePower™ Flash - un système de secours, qui laisse les feux clignoter pendant deux minutes lorsqu'ils sont à l'arrêt. Cette nouvelle version mise à jour se chargera plus rapidement que jamais, vous assurant ainsi d'avoir une alimentation de secours quand vous en avez besoin.

Choisissez la bonne option

La série SL100 est disponible en trois versions : Flash (SL100), Flash avec ReePower™ (SL120+) et enfin une version à lumière constante (SL150 C).

Alimenté par des aimants - Pas de friction
Conforme à la législation danoise
N'utilise pas de piles
ReePower™ Flash
Continue de clignoter pendant deux minutes.
Éclairage clignotant
Toujours allumé
- réduit les accidents de 47 %
Éclairage constant
Feu de sécurité lumineux
Monté en permanence sur les moyeux
Respectueux de l'environnement
Ne convient pas à une attache rapide
sans adaptateur

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Montage SL100

Le montage sur un ancien vélo avec écrou et contreecrou . Quelques millimètres de plus dans la lumière du support auraient permis d'utiliser l'axe de la roue avec l'écrou principale.

Alessandro Contini
Useful and safe

I installed a set of SL200 on my wife's bike a few years ago. I selected this because of no charging, always on and hard to steal. I think they are perfect in town, where being visible is very important, but you don't actually need powerful lighting. After many years of usage without problems, the front light has been broken and I've been happy to find replacements. I also bought a SL120 for my kid's bike.

Thanks a lot Alessandro!

Ennio Dalla Francesca
Ho fatto una modifica

Sulla mia vecchia mtb ho ruote con ciao veloce tipo corsa e per installare la luce posteriore ho dovuto tagliare l'anello. Un piccolo lavoro di pochi minuti che mantiene la soddisfazione per il mio acquisto.

Grazie mille Ennio :)

Okay, but great room for improvement

I am somewhat disappointed with the latching/assembly mechanisms of both the light and the magnet due to the lack of a good quality design. I mean, the screwing guide through a plastic material feels very cheap and non-precise. It is very easy to get misguided because the metal support is not well aligned either then once you start screwing in, there is not an easy come back because, again, it is plastic and it's quite complicated to adjust in general (therefore I am assuming it won't be possible to get them installed in another bike, unless picking a larger screws size each time maybe). I wanted to return them back (bought two sets at once for my two bikes), but since I managed to get them installed in an "acceptable manner", I did not proceed with the return. Simply there is no other acceptable alternative in the market. But again, the mechanism seems very low quality for such a nice overall idea of being more environmentally friendly - which it is what I was looking for at the end. Sorry for the honesty, but I know this is more helpful for you Reelight guys for continuous improvement :)

Hi Jorge,

Thank you for the feedback. We understand that installation can sometimes be a bit troublesome and we understand the frustration. Regarding the durability of the plastic there is no need to worry. If you should wish to move the lights to another bike you can do so without wearing down the threads and this can be done many times.

Tashi Iwaoka
Great product and customer service. A top brand.

I have been a fan of Reelight since my first purchase years back when I was living in Amsterdam.
As one I got was damaged and broken I made an order to ship it to Finland, where I live now.
The delivery was rather quick.
When I opened the product, I was a bit surprised - I didn't know/notice that there were three different versions and I got the flash one, instead of the constant which I had in my mind when ordered.
I anyway mounted it and all was fine - apart from feeling a bit too visible to others, which is just something Finnish about perhaps (though I'm not a Finn).
After one cold day (about -8), the front light started faint a bit. But got back normal again after some days.
A few weeks past the front light stopped working. It didn't come back to life again this time.
So, I contacted the company, asking if a replacement was possible.
They responded very quick and straight forward (contacted by CEO!).
I was ready to be said that was not possible but all is simple and they even said it's possible to send the constant version if I wished. Now all sorted and waiting for the constant version of the front light.
They are great and reliable in all levels.
I will enjoy the ride with Reelight again and for the coming long future :-)

Thanks a lot Tashi!